Suzanne McConn
Suzanne McConn
  • Height:
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Fargo, N.D.
  • High School:
    Fargo South
  • Major:
    Mathematics & Spanish


Personal: Participated in basketball, soccer, and x-country in high school...enjoys running, drawing, reading, and going to the lake...daughter of Ann and Butch

Why Concordia? I like the community

Post graduation plans: Biomedical engineering grad school

Favorite food:
Favorite restaurant: Lucky 13
Favorite movie: Because I Said So
Favorite TV shows: Friends
Favorite musical groups: Rascal Flatts, Royal Tailor, Jamie Grace
Favorite book: Redeeming Love
Favorite holiday: Thanksgiving
The place in the world I most want to visit: Ireland
If I were to play another sport it would be: x-country
Favorite pro sports team: Boston Celtics
The major sporting event I most want to go to: The Olympics
My dream job is: Biomedical Engineer
A non-athletic talent I have: I can play the piano
My favorite thing about Concordia women's track and field team is: The team!