
Game Highs and Lows

Game Highs Summary
Team Game Highs
Player Game Highs

Game-by-Game Highs

Concordia-M'hd Women's Bsktbll 2012-13 Concordia-Moorhead Game-by-Game Highs (as of Mar 01, 2013) All games Opponent Date Score WL POINTS REBOUNDS ASSISTS STEALS BLOCKED SHOTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ at Minnesota Morris 11/15/12 56-59 L 20-Tricia Sorens 11-Tricia Sorens 5-Emily Thesing 3-Erika Jossart 2-Alexandra Lip at St. Scholastica 11/17/12 75-52 W 15-Alexandra Lip 15-Alexandra Lip 6-Emily Thesing 3-Tricia Sorens 3-Alexandra Lip Erika Jossart at Minot State 11/20/12 71-84 L 17-Alley Fisher 6-Erika Jossart 4-Emily Thesing 3-Emily Thesing None Emily Thesing BETHEL (MN) 11/28/12 61-48 W 23-Emily Thesing 8-Emily Thesing 4-Alley Fisher 3-Erika Jossart 1-Alexandra Lip Tricia Sorens at Augsburg 12/01/12 61-60 W 16-Alexandra Lip 6-Alexandra Lip 6-Erika Jossart 4-Tricia Sorens 1-Alexandra Lip Kelsey Walloc Erika Jossart Alley Fisher at St. Thomas (MN) 12-03-12 53-65 L 16-Tricia Sorens 7-Erika Jossart 4-Emily Thesing 4-Emily Thesing 1-Kelsey Walloc Olivia Johnso Tricia Sorens at St. Catherine 12/08/12 82-49 W 13-Tricia Sorens 8-Erin Januschk 5-Emily Thesing 5-Emily Thesing 1-Alexandra Lip Alley Fisher Kelsey Walloc Heather Lehne Katie Rosenfe CARLETON 12/11/12 83-65 W 14-Alexandra Lip 8-Tricia Sorens 6-Erika Jossart 3-Erika Jossart 1-Alexandra Lip Alley Fisher at St. Olaf 01/02/12 61-59 W 16-Emily Thesing 6-Alexandra Lip 2-Alley Fisher 2-Alley Fisher 2-Erika Jossart Alexandra Lip Emily Thesing MACALESTER 1/05/13 72-47 W 23-Tricia Sorens 8-Kelsey Walloc 7-Erika Jossart 4-Emily Thesing 3-Erin Januschk ST. MARY'S (MN) 1/07/13 81-68 W 20-Tricia Sorens 8-Alexandra Lip 8-Emily Thesing 3-Erika Jossart 1-Alexandra Lip Emily Thesing Alley Fisher ST. BENEDICT 1/09/13 81-68 W 22-Emily Thesing 7-Tricia Sorens 4-Erika Jossart 2-Alley Fisher 1-Alexandra Lip Tricia Sorens Alley Fisher HAMLINE 1/12/13 66-73 OL 19-Tricia Sorens 7-Alexandra Lip 5-Erika Jossart 2-Tricia Sorens 2-Alexandra Lip at Bethel University 01/16/13 63-39 W 17-Alley Fisher 8-Hannah Jeske 3-Emily Thesing 3-Hannah Jeske 3-Alexandra Lip Kelsey Walloc Erin Januschk at Gustavus Adolphus Coll 1/19/13 50-49 W 13-Emily Thesing 6-Alexandra Lip 2-Tricia Sorens 2-Emily Thesing 3-Alexandra Lip Hannah Jeske Alley Fisher Erika Jossart ST. THOMAS (MN) 1/21/13 69-62 W 15-Tricia Sorens 8-Tricia Sorens 5-Emily Thesing 3-Kelsey Walloc 2-Erin Januschk at Carleton College 01/23/13 60-51 W 19-Tricia Sorens 8-Tricia Sorens 5-Tricia Sorens 2-Hannah Jeske 5-Alexandra Lip Erika Jossart Alley Fisher AUGSBURG 1/26/13 64-51 W 16-Tricia Sorens 10-Tricia Sorens 3-Emily Thesing 3-Erin Januschk 2-Alexandra Lip Erika Jossart ST. OLAF 1/30/13 65-58 W 20-Emily Thesing 12-Tricia Sorens 3-Alley Fisher 3-Kelsey Walloc 1-Alexandra Lip Tricia Sorens Erin Januschk at Macalester 2/2/13 66-45 W 15-Alley Fisher 13-Tricia Sorens 5-Erika Jossart 2-Tricia Sorens 2-Alexandra Lip Emily Thesing at Saint Mary's 2/3/13 64-54 W 17-Emily Thesing 7-Emily Thesing 2-Hannah Jeske 3-Emily Thesing 6-Alexandra Lip Tricia Sorens Erika Jossart Tricia Sorens at Saint Benedict 02/06/13 63-69 L 21-Emily Thesing 10-Alexandra Lip 1-Alexandra Lip 2-Alexandra Lip 1-Tricia Sorens Erika Jossart Alley Fisher Alexandra Lip Olivia Johnso Kelsey Walloc Emily Thesing at Hamline University 02/09/13 74-61 W 21-Tricia Sorens 10-Kelsey Walloc 5-Erika Jossart 3-Erika Jossart 2-Alexandra Lip ST. CATHERINE 2/13/13 80-46 W 13-Alexandra Lip 7-Emily Thesing 8-Erika Jossart 3-Emily Thesing None
Concordia-M'hd Women's Bsktbll 2012-13 Concordia-Moorhead Game-by-Game Highs (as of Mar 01, 2013) All games Opponent Date Score WL POINTS REBOUNDS ASSISTS STEALS BLOCKED SHOTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Erika Jossart GUSTAVUS 2/16/13 65-49 W 22-Emily Thesing 8-Tricia Sorens 2-Alley Fisher 4-Emily Thesing 2-Alexandra Lip Kelsey Walloc Emily Thesing Erika Jossart ST. BENEDICT 2/21/13 64-48 W 19-Tricia Sorens 9-Alexandra Lip 10-Erika Jossart 2-Erika Jossart 2-Alexandra Lip Kelsey Walloc ST. THOMAS (MN) 2/23/13 50-58 L 16-Emily Thesing 9-Alexandra Lip 4-Erika Jossart 2-Emily Thesing None Tricia Sorens vs UW-Stevens Point 3/1/13 64-72 L 17-Tricia Sorens 11-Alexandra Lip 3-Erika Jossart 2-Emily Thesing 1-Erin Januschk Alexandra Lip Tricia Sorens

Team High/Low Analysis

Concordia-M'hd Women's Bsktbll 2012-13 Concordia-Moorhead Team High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 01, 2013) All games Concordia-Moorhead - TEAM GAME HIGHS POINTS..................... 83 CARLETON (12/11/12) 82 at St. Catherine (12/08/12) 81 ST. BENEDICT (1/09/13) 81 ST. MARY'S (MN) (1/07/13) 80 ST. CATHERINE (2/13/13) FIELD GOALS MADE........... 35 at St. Catherine (12/08/12) 33 CARLETON (12/11/12) FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS........ 72 at St. Catherine (12/08/12) 69 ST. BENEDICT (2/21/13) FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE...... .508 (32-63) at St. Scholastica (11/17/12) .500 (33-66) CARLETON (12/11/12) .500 (31-62) ST. CATHERINE (2/13/13) 3 PT FIELD GOALS MADE...... 9 ST. BENEDICT (2/21/13) 9 at St. Catherine (12/08/12) 3 PT FG ATTEMPTS........... 27 ST. OLAF (1/30/13) 24 ST. BENEDICT (2/21/13) 24 at Minnesota Morris (11/15/12) 3 PT FG PERCENTAGE......... .545 ( 6-11) at Bethel University (01/16/13) .467 ( 7-15) at Saint Mary's (2/3/13) .467 ( 7-15) AUGSBURG (1/26/13) FREE THROWS MADE........... 28 at Hamline University (02/09/13) 22 ST. THOMAS (MN) (1/21/13) FREE THROW ATTEMPTS........ 31 at Hamline University (02/09/13) 29 ST. THOMAS (MN) (1/21/13) FREE THROW PERCENTAGE...... .903 (28-31) at Hamline University (02/09/13) .882 (15-17) at Augsburg (12/01/12) REBOUNDS................... 53 at Hamline University (02/09/13) 52 at Macalester (2/2/13) 52 at St. Scholastica (11/17/12) ASSISTS.................... 23 ST. CATHERINE (2/13/13) 22 CARLETON (12/11/12) STEALS..................... 16 at St. Catherine (12/08/12) 11 ST. OLAF (1/30/13) 11 at Bethel University (01/16/13) BLOCKED SHOTS.............. 8 at Carleton College (01/23/13) 7 at Saint Mary's (2/3/13) TURNOVERS.................. 24 at St. Scholastica (11/17/12) 23 at St. Thomas (MN) (12-03-12) FOULS...................... 25 at Minnesota Morris (11/15/12) 22 at St. Thomas (MN) (12-03-12)
Concordia-M'hd Women's Bsktbll 2012-13 Concordia-Moorhead High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 01, 2013) All games Opponent - GAME HIGHS POINTS..................... 84 at Minot State (11/20/12) 73 HAMLINE (1/12/13) 72 vs UW-Stevens Point (3/1/13) 69 at Saint Benedict (02/06/13) 68 ST. BENEDICT (1/09/13) 68 ST. MARY'S (MN) (1/07/13) FIELD GOALS MADE........... 30 at Minot State (11/20/12) 25 ST. BENEDICT (1/09/13) FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS........ 70 at Hamline University (02/09/13) 70 HAMLINE (1/12/13) FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE...... .468 (22-47) at Augsburg (12/01/12) .453 (24-53) at Saint Benedict (02/06/13) 3 PT FIELD GOALS MADE...... 10 at Hamline University (02/09/13) 9 HAMLINE (1/12/13) 9 CARLETON (12/11/12) 3 PT FG ATTEMPTS........... 31 at Hamline University (02/09/13) 28 HAMLINE (1/12/13) 3 PT FG PERCENTAGE......... .500 ( 9-18) CARLETON (12/11/12) .500 ( 5-10) at Saint Benedict (02/06/13) FREE THROWS MADE........... 24 at St. Thomas (MN) (12-03-12) 19 vs UW-Stevens Point (3/1/13) 19 at Minnesota Morris (11/15/12) FREE THROW ATTEMPTS........ 32 at St. Thomas (MN) (12-03-12) 31 at Minnesota Morris (11/15/12) FREE THROW PERCENTAGE...... .889 (16-18) HAMLINE (1/12/13) .864 (19-22) vs UW-Stevens Point (3/1/13) REBOUNDS................... 43 HAMLINE (1/12/13) 43 at St. Olaf (01/02/12) ASSISTS.................... 17 at Augsburg (12/01/12) 15 at Minot State (11/20/12) STEALS..................... 15 ST. THOMAS (MN) (1/21/13) 15 at St. Scholastica (11/17/12) BLOCKED SHOTS.............. 8 ST. BENEDICT (2/21/13) 8 at Bethel University (01/16/13) 8 at Augsburg (12/01/12) TURNOVERS.................. 20 at St. Catherine (12/08/12) 19 GUSTAVUS (2/16/13) 19 ST. OLAF (1/30/13) 19 CARLETON (12/11/12) 19 at Augsburg (12/01/12) FOULS...................... 23 at Hamline University (02/09/13) 22 HAMLINE (1/12/13) 22 at St. Thomas (MN) (12-03-12)
Concordia-M'hd Women's Bsktbll 2012-13 Concordia-Moorhead High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 01, 2013) All games Concordia-Moorhead - GAME LOWS POINTS..................... 50 at Gustavus Adolphus College (1/19/13) 50 ST. THOMAS (MN) (2/23/13) 53 at St. Thomas (MN) (12-03-12) 56 at Minnesota Morris (11/15/12) 60 at Carleton College (01/23/13) FIELD GOALS MADE........... 15 at St. Thomas (MN) (12-03-12) 18 ST. THOMAS (MN) (2/23/13) FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS........ 46 ST. THOMAS (MN) (1/21/13) 47 ST. THOMAS (MN) (2/23/13) FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE...... .306 (15-49) at St. Thomas (MN) (12-03-12) .324 (22-68) at Minnesota Morris (11/15/12) 3 PT FIELD GOALS MADE...... 2 HAMLINE (1/12/13) 3 at St. Scholastica (11/17/12) 3 ST. THOMAS (MN) (1/21/13) 3 at Carleton College (01/23/13) 3 PT FG ATTEMPTS........... 9 ST. THOMAS (MN) (1/21/13) 11 at St. Scholastica (11/17/12) 11 at Bethel University (01/16/13) 3 PT FG PERCENTAGE......... .125 ( 2-16) HAMLINE (1/12/13) .222 ( 4-18) BETHEL (MN) (11/28/12) .222 ( 6-27) ST. OLAF (1/30/13) FREE THROWS MADE........... 3 at St. Catherine (12/08/12) 4 at Gustavus Adolphus College (1/19/13) FREE THROW ATTEMPTS........ 6 at St. Catherine (12/08/12) 6 ST. BENEDICT (2/21/13) FREE THROW PERCENTAGE...... .455 ( 5-11) at Minnesota Morris (11/15/12) .500 ( 3-6 ) at St. Catherine (12/08/12) .500 ( 4-8 ) at Gustavus Adolphus College (1/19/13) REBOUNDS................... 32 AUGSBURG (1/26/13) 33 at Augsburg (12/01/12) 33 at St. Olaf (01/02/12) ASSISTS.................... 5 at Saint Benedict (02/06/13) 9 at St. Thomas (MN) (12-03-12) 9 at St. Olaf (01/02/12) 9 ST. THOMAS (MN) (1/21/13) STEALS..................... 3 vs UW-Stevens Point (3/1/13) 4 HAMLINE (1/12/13) 4 at Macalester (2/2/13) 4 ST. THOMAS (MN) (2/23/13) BLOCKED SHOTS.............. 0 at Minot State (11/20/12) 0 ST. CATHERINE (2/13/13) 0 ST. THOMAS (MN) (2/23/13) TURNOVERS.................. 9 AUGSBURG (1/26/13) 9 ST. BENEDICT (2/21/13) FOULS...................... 6 ST. BENEDICT (2/21/13) 10 BETHEL (MN) (11/28/12)
Concordia-M'hd Women's Bsktbll 2012-13 Concordia-Moorhead High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 01, 2013) All games Opponent - GAME LOWS POINTS..................... 39 at Bethel University (01/16/13) 45 at Macalester (2/2/13) 46 ST. CATHERINE (2/13/13) 47 MACALESTER (1/05/13) 48 BETHEL (MN) (11/28/12) 48 ST. BENEDICT (2/21/13) FIELD GOALS MADE........... 13 at Bethel University (01/16/13) 14 at Macalester (2/2/13) FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS........ 44 GUSTAVUS (2/16/13) 47 at Augsburg (12/01/12) FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE...... .217 (13-60) at Bethel University (01/16/13) .226 (14-62) at Macalester (2/2/13) 3 PT FIELD GOALS MADE...... 1 at Macalester (2/2/13) 2 ST. THOMAS (MN) (1/21/13) 2 at Saint Mary's (2/3/13) 3 PT FG ATTEMPTS........... 7 at Macalester (2/2/13) 10 AUGSBURG (1/26/13) 10 at Saint Mary's (2/3/13) 10 at Saint Benedict (02/06/13) 3 PT FG PERCENTAGE......... .125 ( 2-16) ST. THOMAS (MN) (1/21/13) .143 ( 1-7 ) at Macalester (2/2/13) FREE THROWS MADE........... 4 BETHEL (MN) (11/28/12) 4 ST. BENEDICT (2/21/13) FREE THROW ATTEMPTS........ 7 ST. BENEDICT (2/21/13) 8 BETHEL (MN) (11/28/12) FREE THROW PERCENTAGE...... .450 ( 9-20) MACALESTER (1/05/13) .500 ( 4-8 ) BETHEL (MN) (11/28/12) .500 ( 5-10) at St. Catherine (12/08/12) REBOUNDS................... 23 at St. Catherine (12/08/12) 25 ST. THOMAS (MN) (1/21/13) ASSISTS.................... 5 BETHEL (MN) (11/28/12) 5 ST. CATHERINE (2/13/13) 5 ST. THOMAS (MN) (2/23/13) STEALS..................... 3 at Bethel University (01/16/13) 4 BETHEL (MN) (11/28/12) 4 ST. OLAF (1/30/13) BLOCKED SHOTS.............. 0 CARLETON (12/11/12) 0 MACALESTER (1/05/13) 0 ST. MARY'S (MN) (1/07/13) TURNOVERS.................. 8 vs UW-Stevens Point (3/1/13) 9 at Hamline University (02/09/13) FOULS...................... 7 ST. BENEDICT (2/21/13) 10 at St. Olaf (01/02/12) 10 at Bethel University (01/16/13)

Player High/Low Analysis

Concordia-M'hd Women's Bsktbll 2012-13 Concordia-Moorhead Player High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 01, 2013) All games Concordia-Moorhead - INDIVIDUAL GAME HIGHS Points....................... 23 Tricia Sorensen vs Macalester (1/05/13) 23 Emily Thesing vs Bethel (MN) (11/28/12) 22 Emily Thesing vs Gustavus (2/16/13) 22 Emily Thesing vs St. Benedict (1/09/13) 21 Tricia Sorensen at Hamline University (02/09/13) 21 Emily Thesing at Saint Benedict (02/06/13) Field Goals Made............. 11 Tricia Sorensen vs Macalester (1/05/13) 9 Tricia Sorensen at Carleton College (01/23/13) 9 Tricia Sorensen vs Hamline (1/12/13) 9 Tricia Sorensen vs St. Mary's (MN) (1/07/13) 9 Tricia Sorensen at Minnesota Morris (11/15/12) Field Goal Att............... 24 Tricia Sorensen at Minnesota Morris (11/15/12) 21 Tricia Sorensen vs UW-Stevens Point (3/1/13) FG Pct (min 5 made).......... .833 ( 5-6 ) Alexandra Lippert vs St. Mary's (MN) (1/07/13) .833 ( 5-6 ) Erika Jossart at St. Scholastica (11/17/12) 3-Point FG Made.............. 5 Emily Thesing at Saint Benedict (02/06/13) 4 Emily Thesing vs Gustavus (2/16/13) 4 Alley Fisher at Hamline University (02/09/13) 4 Emily Thesing at St. Olaf (01/02/12) 3-Point FG Att............... 9 Emily Thesing at Saint Benedict (02/06/13) 9 Alley Fisher vs St. Olaf (1/30/13) 9 Emily Thesing vs St. Olaf (1/30/13) 9 Emily Thesing at St. Olaf (01/02/12) 3-Pt FG Pct (min 2 made)..... 1.000 ( 3-3 ) Alley Fisher at Minot State (11/20/12) 1.000 ( 2-2 ) Olivia Johnson vs St. Catherine (2/13/13) 1.000 ( 2-2 ) Hannah Jeske vs Augsburg (1/26/13) 1.000 ( 2-2 ) Alley Fisher at Bethel University (01/16/13) 1.000 ( 2-2 ) Olivia Johnson at St. Catherine (12/08/12) Free Throws Made............. 8 Tricia Sorensen at Hamline University (02/09/13) 8 Kelsey Walloch at Hamline University (02/09/13) Free Throw Att............... 9 Kelsey Walloch at Hamline University (02/09/13) 9 Emily Thesing vs St. Benedict (1/09/13) FT Pct (min 3 made).......... 1.000 ( 8-8 ) Tricia Sorensen at Hamline University (02/09/13) 1.000 ( 6-6 ) Alley Fisher at Saint Benedict (02/06/13) 1.000 ( 6-6 ) Alley Fisher vs St. Benedict (1/09/13) 1.000 ( 5-5 ) Emily Thesing at St. Thomas (MN) (12-03-12) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Alley Fisher vs St. Thomas (MN) (2/23/13) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Alley Fisher vs Gustavus (2/16/13) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Erika Jossart vs Gustavus (2/16/13) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Alley Fisher vs St. Catherine (2/13/13) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Emily Thesing at Hamline University (02/09/13) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Alley Fisher at Macalester (2/2/13) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Tricia Sorensen vs Augsburg (1/26/13) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Brooke Gaustad vs Carleton (12/11/12) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Tricia Sorensen vs Carleton (12/11/12) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Olivia Johnson at Augsburg (12/01/12) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Alexandra Lippert at Augsburg (12/01/12) 1.000 ( 3-3 ) Erin Januschka at Hamline University (02/09/13) 1.000 ( 3-3 ) Alexandra Lippert vs St. Thomas (MN) (1/21/13) 1.000 ( 3-3 ) Alley Fisher at Bethel University (01/16/13) 1.000 ( 3-3 ) Alley Fisher vs Bethel (MN) (11/28/12) Rebounds..................... 15 Alexandra Lippert at St. Scholastica (11/17/12) 13 Tricia Sorensen at Macalester (2/2/13) Assists...................... 10 Erika Jossart vs St. Benedict (2/21/13) 8 Erika Jossart vs St. Catherine (2/13/13) 8 Emily Thesing vs St. Mary's (MN) (1/07/13) Steals....................... 5 Alley Fisher at St. Catherine (12/08/12) 5 Emily Thesing at St. Catherine (12/08/12) Blocked Shots................ 6 Alexandra Lippert at Saint Mary's (2/3/13) 5 Alexandra Lippert at Carleton College (01/23/13) Turnovers.................... 8 Emily Thesing vs St. Thomas (MN) (2/23/13) 7 Erika Jossart at St. Thomas (MN) (12-03-12) 7 Emily Thesing at St. Thomas (MN) (12-03-12) 7 Emily Thesing at Minot State (11/20/12) 7 Emily Thesing at St. Scholastica (11/17/12) Fouls........................ 5 Alexandra Lippert vs Gustavus (2/16/13) 5 Alexandra Lippert at Carleton College (01/23/13) 5 Erika Jossart vs Hamline (1/12/13) 5 Alexandra Lippert vs St. Mary's (MN) (1/07/13) 5 Alexandra Lippert vs Bethel (MN) (11/28/12) 5 Emily Thesing at Minot State (11/20/12) 5 Alexandra Lippert at Minnesota Morris (11/15/12)
Concordia-M'hd Women's Bsktbll 2012-13 Concordia-Moorhead High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 01, 2013) All games OPPONENT INDIVIDUAL GAME HIGHS Points....................... 29 Steph Pilgrim vs Hamline (1/12/13) 28 Althoff,Liz vs UW-Stevens Point (3/1/13) 25 Barber,Sam vs UW-Stevens Point (3/1/13) 25 Kendra Wycoff at Minnesota Morris (11/15/12) 21 Brianna Barrett at Saint Benedict (02/06/13) 21 Sacarra Molina at Minot State (11/20/12) Field Goals Made............. 11 Barber,Sam vs UW-Stevens Point (3/1/13) 9 Taylor Young vs St. Thomas (MN) (1/21/13) 9 Steph Pilgrim vs Hamline (1/12/13) Field Goal Att............... 21 Kendra Wycoff at Minnesota Morris (11/15/12) 19 Barber,Sam vs UW-Stevens Point (3/1/13) 19 Jessica Thone at Saint Mary's (2/3/13) FG Pct (min 5 made).......... .857 ( 6-7 ) Gabbi Stienstra vs Carleton (12/11/12) .833 ( 5-6 ) Sacarra Molina at Minot State (11/20/12) 3-Point FG Made.............. 5 Steph Pilgrim vs Hamline (1/12/13) 5 Gabbi Stienstra vs Carleton (12/11/12) 3-Point FG Att............... 13 Steph Pilgrim at Hamline University (02/09/13) 10 Kayla Heisler at St. Scholastica (11/17/12) 10 Kendra Wycoff at Minnesota Morris (11/15/12) 3-Pt FG Pct (min 2 made)..... 1.000 ( 5-5 ) Steph Pilgrim vs Hamline (1/12/13) 1.000 ( 5-5 ) Gabbi Stienstra vs Carleton (12/11/12) 1.000 ( 2-2 ) Morgan Dale at Saint Benedict (02/06/13) 1.000 ( 2-2 ) Taylor Young at St. Thomas (MN) (12-03-12) 1.000 ( 2-2 ) Alisha Jones at Minot State (11/20/12) Free Throws Made............. 15 Althoff,Liz vs UW-Stevens Point (3/1/13) 9 Sacarra Molina at Minot State (11/20/12) Free Throw Att............... 17 Althoff,Liz vs UW-Stevens Point (3/1/13) 10 Anna Smith at St. Thomas (MN) (12-03-12) FT Pct (min 3 made).......... 1.000 ( 9-9 ) Sacarra Molina at Minot State (11/20/12) 1.000 ( 7-7 ) Brianna Barrett at Saint Benedict (02/06/13) 1.000 ( 6-6 ) Steph Pilgrim vs Hamline (1/12/13) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Kelsey Florian vs Gustavus (2/16/13) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Akemi Arzouman vs Carleton (12/11/12) 1.000 ( 3-3 ) Brianna Barrett vs St. Benedict (2/21/13) 1.000 ( 3-3 ) Jenna Dockter vs St. Thomas (MN) (1/21/13) 1.000 ( 3-3 ) Jamie Wollin vs St. Benedict (1/09/13) Rebounds..................... 15 Abby Fragodt at Minnesota Morris (11/15/12) 14 Carly Boag at Minot State (11/20/12) Assists...................... 7 Jenna Mistler at St. Catherine (12/08/12) 5 Olp,Alyssa vs UW-Stevens Point (3/1/13) 5 Jolene Blood at Augsburg (12/01/12) Steals....................... 5 Anna Smith vs St. Thomas (MN) (2/23/13) 5 Sarina Baker vs St. Catherine (2/13/13) 5 Kellie Ring at St. Thomas (MN) (12-03-12) Blocked Shots................ 7 Rachel Parupsky at Bethel University (01/16/13) 4 Elise Raney at St. Olaf (01/02/12) Turnovers.................... 9 Stephanie Comer vs Gustavus (2/16/13) 7 Jenna Mistler at St. Catherine (12/08/12) Fouls........................ 5 Allen,Brooke vs UW-Stevens Point (3/1/13) 5 Jordan Sammons at Hamline University (02/09/13) 5 Steph Pilgrim at Hamline University (02/09/13) 5 Bridget Pethke vs St. Mary's (MN) (1/07/13)