Glenn Seela
14* Glenn Seela
  • Height:
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  • Hometown:
    Villard, Minn.
  • High School:
  • Position:
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Personal: participated in football, wrestling, and baseball...District player of the Year...enjoys football, netflix, and working at the Douglas County Hospital...son of Donna and Joel

Why Concordia: 88% acceptance rate into med school

Post Graduation Plans: Attend Medical School

The SEELA File

Favorite Food: Chicken Alfredo

Favorite Restaurant: Olive Garden

Favorite Movie: Gifted Hands

Favorite TV Shows: The Office, House of Cards

Favorite Musical Group: Florida Georgia Line

Favorite Book: Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix

The place in the world I most want to visit: Washington D.C.

The major sporting event I most want to go to: Vikings Superbowl

My dream job is: Oncologist at the Mayo Clinic

My bucket list includes: becoming a doctor, and playing college football

My favorite thing about the Concordia Football team: feels like a good fit

What does it mean to be a Cobber: a great person on and off the field

What are you most thankful for: the people in my life that helped me get to where I am

How would you like to change the world: Cure Cancer

My go-to emoji: drooley emoji