Gunnar Vraa
Gunnar Vraa
  • Height:
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Rosemount, Minn.
  • High School:
  • Major:


Personal: Participated in soccer in high school...enjoys running half marathons, video games and reading...has one sibiling: Hunter...son of Timothy and Paula

My brush with greatness: Running a half marathon at 16.

If ESPN were going to do a feature story on you, what interesting fact about your life would they highlight: I transferred from Gustavus to be with my girlfriend.

The VRAA File
Favorite food:
 Chipotle burritos
Favorite movies: Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit
Favorite TV show: Seinfeld
Favorite music groups: Train
Favorite book:  Under the Dome
Favorite holiday:  Christmas
The place in the world I most want to visit:  Norway
If I were to play another sport it would be: Soccer
Favorite pro sports team:  Vikings
The major sporting event I most want to go to:  Olympics
My dream job is:  Dentist
My bucket list includes:  Skydiving
A non-athletic talent I have:  Leadership in ROTC
Post Graduate Plans: Dental or PA school