Carl Hayes
Carl Hayes
  • Height:
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Hazen, N.D.
  • High School:
  • Major:
    Neuroscience & Psychology


Personal: Participated in basketball, football and track in high school...honor student, Student Council President, Child Development Student of the Year...enjoys freading, ping pong, hacky sack, yo-yo, weight-lifting and basketball...son of Mike & Michelle

Why Concordia?  Neuroscience program

Post graudation plans: Attend graduate school

The HAYES File
Favorite food: Chicken fried steak
Favorite restaurant:
Favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption
Favorite TV show: Big Bang Theory, South Park
Favorite musical groups: G-Eazy
Favorite book: The Inheritance Cycle
The place in the world I most want to visit: Alaska
The major sporting event I most want to go to: Superbowl
My dream job is: Novelist
My bucket list includes: Skydiving
My favorite thing about the Concordia men's track & field team is:
The comradery
What does it mean to be a Cobber: Developing characteristics that can be used to influence the world in a positive manner
If you could trade places for a day with a person, who would it be and why: Warren Buffett, he's got some serious cash
How would you change the world: Remedy homelessness
What are you most thankful for: Amazing friends