Nick Solheim
Nick Solheim
  • Height:
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Deerwood, Minn.
  • High School:
  • Major:


Personal: Participated in soccer, swimming and track in high school...Two time captain soccer, two time All-Conference and Academic All-State track...enjoys biking, swimming and triathlons...son of Maria and John

Why Concordia? Family tradition and home type feeling

Post Graduation Plans: Employment

Favorite food:
Favorite restaurant:
Favorite movie:
 Good Will Hunting
Favorite TV show:
 How I Met Your Mother
Favorite book: Harry Potter series
The place in the world I most want to visit: London
If I were to play another sport it would be: Curling
The major sporting event I most want to go to: Super Bowl
My dream job is: SNL Cast
My bucket list includes: Skydiving, growing a beard
What does it meant to be a Cobber: Be friendly and like corn
If you could trade places for a day with a person, who would it be and why: Calvin Johnson, to play in the NFL
If I had a million dollars, I would: Go to the casino
The best sporting event I ever attended was: I met Robert Griffen the Third in an art gallery one time.