- Height:
- 6-0
- Year:
- Sr.
- Hometown:
- Bagley, Minn.
- High School:
- Bagley
- Major:
- Healthcare Administration
Personal: Participated in football, hockey and baseball in high school...NHS, president of student body, football captain, hockey captain and baseball All-Conference...enjoys playing hockey, watching the Wild, playing video games and fishing...son of Gary and Susan
Why Concordia? For the degree
Post graduation plans: Work in a hospital
The YOUNG File
Favorite food: Steak
Favorite restaurant: HuHot
Favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption
Favorite TV shows: The Office
Favorite musical groups: Monstercat
Favorite holiday: Christmas
The place in the world I most want to see: Italy
My track & field hero growing up: Bolt
If I were to play another sport it would be: Hockey
Favorite pro sports team: Minnesota Vikings
The major sporting event I most want to go to: Stanley Cup
My dream job is: CEO of an Integrated System
My bucket list includes: Have an NHL pro son
A non-athletic talent I have: I'm good at all video games
My favorite thing about the Concordia men's track and field team is: The people
What does it mean to be a Cobber: BREW
If you could trade places for a day with a person, who would it be and why: Wayne Gretzky, to be the Great One
If I had a million dollars, I would: Invest
The best sporting event I ever attended was: MN Wild game