Cole Vlasak
Cole Vlasak
  • Height:
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Denver, Colo.
  • High School:
    Eden Prairie (Minn.)
  • Major:
    Food Nutrition


Personal: Participated in track, football and wrestling in high school...enjoys running...son of Corey & Corina

Why Concordia?  Family went here

Post graduation plans: Job

Favorite food: Steak
Favorite restaurant: Buffalo Wild Wings
Favorite movie: Star Wars V
Favorite TV show: Friends
Favorite musical group: All classic rock
The place in the world I most want to visit: Sweeden
The major sporting event I most want to go to: Football
My dream job is: Stay at home dad
My bucket list includes: Travel a lot
My favorite thing about the Concordia men's track & field team is: The people
What does it mean to be a Cobber: Work hard
If you could trade places for a day with a person, who would it be and why: Justin Timberlake, he seems funny.
What are you most thankful for: My family