Cobber Sponsor Spotlight - Fargo Linoleum
Cobber Sponsor Spotlight - Fargo Linoleum

Sponsor Spotlight - Fargo Linoleum

Each week we will spotlight one of the many generous sponsors for Cobber athletics. Without the help of the sponsors, Concordia athletics would have a hard time putting together all the top-quality programs and opportunities for our student/athletes. 

The entire Concordia athletic department would like to thank all our sponsors for their incredible support over the years!

This week we want to give a huge shout out to a company that has supported Cobber athletics in every way - including sending three sons to add to the success of the Concordia teams. Fargo Linoleum has been a big part of Concordia athletics for years and years thanks to the connection with the Bye family. Rob Bye '85 is the President of the family-owned business and was a member of the Cobber football team back in his college days. Rob's brothers Tim and Dave, and their sons all graduated from Concordia. Rob's three sons - John, Erik and Matt - made huge impacts for the Cobber football and track and field programs. In addition to all the other contributions that Rob Bye, and Fargo Linoleum, have made to Concordia - Rob can also be seen on the south side of the football stadium at every home game, helping to run the parent's tailgate area.         

| Cobber Sports Feature on the Bye Family |          

There aren't enough words to express all the thanks to Rob Bye and everyone at Fargo Linoleum. Your family is a shining example of what Concordia athletics is all about and we hope you will be around for many years to come.