Cobber Sponsor Spotlight Index

Each week we will spotlight one of the many generous sponsors for Cobber athletics. Without the help of the sponsors, Concordia athletics would have a hard time putting together all the top-quality programs and opportunities for our student/athletes. 

The entire Concordia athletic department would like to thank all our sponsors for their incredible support over the years!

Dec. 16 - Gardner Financial Services - Wendy Waalen

Dec. 9 - Edward Jones Investing - Daniel Pike Financial Advisor

Nov. 18 - Glass Doctor

Nov. 11 - HUB International Insurance Fargo

Nov. 4 - Heartland Trust

Oct. 27 - Bursch Travel

Oct. 20 - Fargo Linoleum

Oct. 13 - KLN Family Brands

Oct. 6 - Puffe's Fine Jewelry

Sept. 28 - Swenson Masonry

Sept. 21 - Nodak Insurance Company

Sept. 14 - Bell Bank