Personal: Participated in football and wrestling in high school...rotary, National Honor Society, All-Conference (football), HOL Most Valuable Offensive Lineman...enjoys hunting, spending time on the lake and spearing...son of James and Marceil Bucholz
Why Concordia? Great place to be
Post graduate plans: Get a job close to home
Favorite food: Pasta
Favorite restaurant: Sickies Garage
Favorite movie: Old School
Favorite TV shows: The Office, How I Met Your Mother
Favorite muscial group: Country
Place in the world I most want to visit: Alaska
Major sporting event I most want to go to: NCAA Wrestling Championships
My dream job: Pro athlete
My bucket list includes: Travel
My favorite thing about Concordia Football team is: Together We Will
What are you most thankful for? My friends and family
Who do people say you most look like: Tony Siragusa
Which summer Olympic sport would you most like to compete in: Badminton