Isabel Fredrickson
Isabel Fredrickson

Isabel Fredrickson - X-Country

Cobber Student-Athlete Spotlight - Isabel Fredrickson
Sports: Women's Cross Country
Hometown: Bloomington, Minn.
High School: Jefferson
Major: Nursing & Spanish
Why did you pick Concordia: I choose Concordia because of the ability to obtain a good education while also being able to run.
Post Graduation plans: As of right now I am considering volunteering for the peace corps after I graduate.

What are you most looking forward to this year?
For some reason this is a hard question; when I read it, it makes me think of graduation. So, for my last year of college I want to make the most of the time I have with my classmates, teammates, and coaches. I am also hoping that campus life, and for that matter life in general, may return to at least some degree of normalcy.

What is one of your favorite memories from your time in Cobber sports?
This is also a hard question as I am naturally an indecisive person, but one memory that I can recall is the cross-country pre-season trip to Park Rapids my freshman year. This was my first time ever meeting anyone on the team. I was equal parts excited and terrified, and honestly exhausted the whole week! With that being said, I look back with countless fond memories of that trip and see the start to my journey here at Concordia.

I would also say that some of my favorite memories from Cobber sports are the times I have gotten to spend with my teammates and coaches. We form such a tight bond from the tough workouts and long hours spent together. So, any time I see my teammates run a new PR, push through a hard workout, or overcome an injury, I am filled with so much joy. I am thankful for the second family I have gained through this sport.

What is one of your favorite memories from your time at Concordia (non-sports related)?
One of my favorite things about my time at Concordia outside of Cobber athletics would have to be the friends and mentors I have gained over the years. These past three years have allowed me to grow on a personal level and to form so many new relationships. I would not be where I am today without the people that I have met along the way.

What is one of your favorite classes and why?
I truly enjoyed all of my classes at Concordia. However, I would say that one of the classes that challenged me to think outside the box and gain awareness of the world around me was my Inquiry Seminar. This class was called “No Country for Lost Kids” and it was taught by Lisa Twomey. It centered around immigration and specifically the impacts of immigration on children. I learned so much about immigration in the Fargo/Moorhead community as well as around the world.

What advice would you give your younger self when you first moved in to Concordia?
I know that this is a cliché answer, but I would tell myself to slow down, find a balance, and make the most of each day. Everyone tells you how fast these four years will go by. I heard this before I started college, but the time truly did fly by.